Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Time Lapse at NEVNS

The teachers at NEVNS are working with various blogs and wikis. One teacher is well on her way to putting together an interesting action research project.

Tracey wants to monitor independent on task behaviours during reading time. She is doing lots of things to improve and scaffold independence at reading time, but what is different is how she is measuring this. She has been using time-lapse photography in the classroom. The class had a chrysalis which they set up next to a webcam and used a free download from Powertools Webcam Timershot (get at the bottom of the page). If you have a Mac the free download Gawker can do the same thing. If you want to learn more about time-lapse photography click here.

So time-lapse photography will be set up in the classroom to collect the data at the beginning of the research and then again at the end monitoring on task independent behaviour. What an easy and engaging way to monitor actions over time.

Another teacher Michael is presenting his action research project at another school outside of our cluster in a staff meeting. They are interested in buying interactive whiteboards, screen or projectors and to help them think about how they will make the most out of these resources Michael will share his journey about ways he used his screen in the classroom during the 2009 school year.

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